Bingo Questions

How to make a personal bingo card? I want to do one for a couple leaving the area?

How to make a personal bingo card? I want to do one for a couple leaving the area?

professor asked:
I have found the bingo card maker site. Do I make up personal questions about them such as year they were married? Number of children they have? How many years they taught? I don’t know how to develop the questions or answers and put them on the card.


Making a personal bingo card can be a fun and creative way to celebrate a special event, such as a couple leaving the area. Here are some steps you can take to create your own personal bingo card:

  1. Choose a theme: The first step is to choose a theme for your bingo card. This could be anything related to the couple, such as their favorite hobbies, memories, or experiences.
  2. Create a list of questions: Once you have a theme in mind, create a list of questions that correspond to the theme. For example, if the theme is “memories,” questions could include “the year they met,” “their favorite vacation spot,” or “the first movie they saw together.” Be creative and think about what would be meaningful to the couple.
  3. Organize the questions: Once you have a list of questions, organize them into a bingo card format. Most bingo cards have five rows and five columns, with a free space in the center. You can use a bingo card generator tool online to help you with this step.
  4. Add images: To make your bingo card more visually appealing, consider adding images or photos that correspond to the theme. For example, if the theme is “hobbies,” you could add images of the couple doing their favorite activities.
  5. Print and distribute: Once your bingo card is complete, print out copies and distribute them to guests at the event. You can also create prizes for the first person to get bingo or for the person who gets the most squares filled in.

In terms of developing the questions and answers, consider asking family and friends of the couple for input. They may have unique insights into the couple’s experiences or preferences that you may not have considered. Alternatively, you could do some research on the couple’s social media profiles or interview them directly to get more information. Overall, the key is to have fun and create a personalized experience for the couple and their loved ones.